This blog was started as a way to work through the grief of losing my baby March 9, 2011. I found reading stories of other women comforting while I've been going through this and hope that I can help anyone else experiencing the same thing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Okay so here's a picture of the tests I took this morning. It's hard because the lines don't really show up as well in pictures, but I swear they are there in person :)! Now I get to go from stressed about trying to get pregnant to stressed I am pregnant. Awesome. If only I could just relax and take it easy. How about this...I already called the doctor. Yep I'm that girl. I asked about a prenatal prescription, progesterone and a beta HCG. The progesterone isn't totally out of the blue, the new doctor I saw a few months ago mentioned she might put me on it if I were to get pregnant just as a precaution. So yea. I'm the crazy girl that called the doctor at 9DPO.


  1. I see the line in the top one for sure!

  2. I am so happy for you! I can see the lines on both of them when I click on the picture. I've heard wonderful things about taking the progesterone early, so I hope they are able to get that started for you soon! Praying for you and your rainbow :)
