Got our test results from the doctor today that combined the neck fold measurement and the blood work.
Risk for T21 1 in 1,100
Risk for T18 1 in 10,000
I am in my office at work and seriously cannot stop crying. My husband and I were both convinced we would get back crappy results that would require more agonizing and stress and decision making. Instead we get about the best odds you can get at my age.
I need to let go and just be happy. Well of course I can always stress about the second trimester screen, or maybe the placenta previa....or how about the other things that don't show up on an NT scan....someone save me from myself.
I'm so glad you got back great results. It's normal for babyloss mommas to stress out. I don't think there was ever a time in my pregnancy where I wasn't worried about something. Try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible, though. Praying things continue to go smoothly!!